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Maharashtra State Aids Control Society
महाराष्ट्र राज्य एड्स नियंत्रण संस्था

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IEC & Mainstreaming

IEC & Mainstreaming

As per the approved Annual Action Plan by NACO, New Delhi IEC division organizes various awareness activities using mass media, outdoor campaign and mid media to raise awareness among high risk groups and general population. Awareness and sensitization sessions for school, college youths, out of college youth on prevention aspect are organized on priority basis throughout the state. Under mainstreaming advocacy and trainings are being conducted for various sections of the society.


Focus Areas: IEC department has organizes various activities to support the following majorcomponentsintermsofdisseminatingtherightinformationtotargetaudiencesso that people can access HIV/AIDS related referrals services and to generate demand through on-ground communication for prevention activities. With various other components, the following services are made available: ICTC/PPTCT promotion, strengthening linkage services at different levels, Promotion of pre ART registration and ART services, promotion of blood safety and blood donation, promotion of consistent condom use, establishing Red Ribbon Clubs and Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS.


The following IEC activities/campaigns are carried out to spread awareness about HIV prevention.

  • Awareness through Social media – Extensive use of social media by present generation.Keepinginthismindwhatsappgroupsarecreatedatthedistrictandstate level to generate awareness. State & district level facebook pages are also created and updated regularly to generate awareness through online platform.
  • To make awareness about National toll free Helpline no. 1097, various IEC media is used to generate awareness about the helpline wall paintings, banners, hoardings, information stickers on auto rickshaws and Audio-Visual material etc
  • To make awareness about recently launched NACO AIDS APP, various IEC media is used to generate awareness about the NACO APP, like banners, hoardings, Audio- Visual material, scrolling on tv channel etc.
  • On the occasion of World AIDS Day(WAD), International youth day (IYD)and Nationalyouthday(NYD),Blooddonationdayatstateanddistrictlevelvarious awareness programs are being organised. Mainly exhibitions, A-V material, Doordarshan, Akashwani ,print media and other electronic media extensive awareness is being done. Through DAPCU,NGOs, Colleges and other partners awareness campaigns are being conducted.
  • Ganesh Festival- On the occasion of Ganesh festival MSACS send letter to all districts for display HIV/AIDS awareness hoarding at Ganesh Festival for creating awareness about HIV/AIDS among devotee in all districts of Maharashtra.
  • Red Ribbon Clubs (RRCs): RRCs are established in colleges to engage college youth in the HIV/AIDS program and teach them about responsible sexual behavior. Accordingly RRCs have been formed in 882 colleges in the state from the year 2010. These RRC students regularly participate in World AIDS Day, International/National Youth day. RRC clubs are actively involved spreading awareness about HIV/AIDS among colleagues and other students/youths.
  • As per the NACO Guidelines on occasion of IYD Youth Festival is arranged. In this Youth Festival Drama, Reel Making and Marathon competitions were arranged by MSACS. State level Drama Competition was arranged in Nagpur. Total 10 Winner drama group participate in state level drama competition. Ratnagiri district street play team got the 1st prize in drama competition. State level reel making competition organized through virtual mode& live streaming on YouTube. Total 10 Winner reel making group participated in state level reel making competition, Nasik District got the first prize in reel making competition. Red-run competition arranged in Pune district. Buldhana District was the Winner in Red-Run Marathon.
  • Under the advocacy and mainstreaming, MSACS has been done different advocacy workshop and training to aware people on HIV/AIDS in different Govt. department. This year MSACS has also organized training Anganwadi worker, school teachers, railways employees, industrial workers etc.



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